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BayerNet App
BayerNet App

BayerNet App

Bayer Group 免费 5.00 2024-01-17

"EN" 4+ 2021-06-21T12:51:44Z 新闻


BayerNet App介绍

BayerNet App: It's in your hands!

The BayerNet App allows you to access news from the Bayer world quickly and easily. You will not only find company news here, but also information about important social issues such as health and how to feed a growing world population. You can also choose the country you live in and get additional news from Bayer in your country. This may be of particular interest to you if friends or relatives work for Bayer, you live near a Bayer site, or you are interested in developments at Bayer for other reasons. Register for a personalized view on news fitting to your personal settings.

版本更新内容:Enhanced multimedia experience. \nFind all inofmration about Bayer and trending topics such as health and nutrition.

BayerNet App截图

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